In order to become a lawyer, person shall possess following qualifications:
- higher legal education;
- at least three years of work experience in a legal field or work experience in the field of law in scientific and pedagogical educational institutions for no less than three years;
- must pass a qualification examination that consists a written test and interview held by Lawyers Qualification Commission for the purpose of determining professional eligibility of the applicant;
- must successfully complete the compulsory training in the Justice Academy of the Ministry of Justice.
The following person cannot become a lawyer:
- person who has dual citizenship or a commitment towards other states;
- person who does not have legal capacity or have limited legal capacity;
- person who is unable to carry out lawyer activities for mental reasons according to medical opinion;
- person whose conviction is not extinguished or is not removed for deliberately less serious crimes, serious crimes and particularly serious crimes;
- person who has taken legal action on the application of compulsory medical measures.
* Persons who used to work as lawyer (except for persons activity of which was suspended due to disciplinary proceedings) or judges may be advocates upon oral interview without passage of written test and undergoing compulsory training courses.
* Persons having scientific degree as well as persons who used to work in the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chairmen of courts of appeal and cassation instances may become lawyer without passage of written test and undergoing compulsory training courses.
1. Those who meet the requirements set out in the legislation to be admitted to the Bar Association may apply to the Presidium of the Bar Association by submitting the following applicaton form:
Application form to participate in written text exam (form).
2. Those who pass written text exam should submit following documents to the Presidium of the Bar Association: