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The realities of Azerbaijan have been conveyed to the Bar Associations of 40 countries

13 October 2020    2815 share share

LAWASIA is an association of judges, lawyers and legal organizations covering the continents of America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, working on the interests and problems of the legal profession. The organization includes individuals and legal associations representing more than 40 jurisdictions.

The Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the first Bar Association in the CIS and Eastern Europe region to become a member of LAWASIA. 

Thus, speaking at the annual meeting of the LAWASIA Council, Chairman of the Bar Anar Baghirov thanked the President of LAWASIA for inviting him to a Council meeting of the organization with a high international reputation. Also, he noted that his organization attaches great importance to international relations, is a member of many influential organizations, and that Azerbaijan's membership in LAWASIA will be important in terms of its location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

The Chairman of the Board informed the participants of the event about the aggressive policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan, he reported on the recent conflict in the frontline, including the shelling of densely populated Azerbaijani civilian settlements by the Armenian terrorists, which resulted in the deaths and injuries of civilians. He noted, that Armenia had grossly violated the provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1949 and other norms of international humanitarian law, and wished the members of LAWASIA to condemn the terrorist policy pursued by the Armenian military-political leadership.

Then, Anar Baghirov informed the participants about the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the work done for the development of advocacy over the past few year, that his organization would be very pleased to be a member of LAWASIA, which has a great reputation among lawyers, businesspeople and governments in the region and beyond, and represents the interests of the legal profession.

The meeting discussed the issue of membership in the organization and decided to accept the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a member of LAWASIA.

In addition, the meeting discussed a number of issues of interest to the legal profession and advocacy in the region.